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Closest Surf Shop to the Shores Since 1979

La Jolla Surf Systems was founded in 1979 and the iconic surf shop has served as a cornerstone in the Southern California surf community.

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it’s about more than slinging surfboards

“45 years since our doors opened, we still take pride in serving locals and visitors to La Jolla Shores. Over the decades we have seen fads come and go, locals become legends, and surf technology change. One thing that remains constant is the stoke for Surfing, the community passing on the sport to the next generation, and people connecting with the ocean. We are focused now more than ever on building up our local surf community, celebrating San Diego’s surf history, and bringing up the next generation.”

– Sean Brody, Partner


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The iconic Proof’s In The Pudding ad. Featuring Eric ‘Bird’ Huffman (of Bird’s Surf Shed), Bill Caster (Caster Surfboards), Shaun Stüssy (Stüssy), Gary McNabb (Nectar), Tim Bessell (Bessell Surfboards), and an honorable mention for Skip Frye. This legendary ad was shot for Surfer Magazine by Art Brewer.

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The Secret's out...

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